2016 Fifth Edition
The Co-Teaching Manual is a "how-to" manual describing how general education and specialists work together to educate students in an inclusive classroom. This manual provides step-by-step procedures to start and carry out a
co-teaching program. It includes numerous reproducibles which are useful for monitoring student progress and facilitating communication between general educators and special educators and between teachers and parents.
What is Co-Teaching?
Co-teaching is an educational approach whereby general and specialists work together to deliver instruction to all students in inclusive classrooms. The teachers work as partners to jointly design, plan, and implement lessons appropriate for each student.
Some Benefits of Co-Teaching Include:
- More student enthusiasm and involvement
- Increased individual instruction for students
- More help available to students
- Students appreciate having variety of teaching styles
- Shared teacher responsibility
- Less teacher burnout
- Reduces discipline problems
- More excitement and creativity for teachers
- More grouping options
- To order on-line, click the link below. The Co-Teaching Manual is just $34.95.
To order by phone, please call 803.782.1781. Please have your PO number available. Credit Cards are not accepted over the phone.
To order by fax, complete this form, and fax it to 803.787.8508. Include the PO number if applicable.
To order by mail, complete this form, and mail it with payment to Twins Publications, PO Box 6364, Columbia, SC 29260-6364.
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Second Edition
Study Tools is a comprehensive curriculum guide for teaching study skills and includes over 350 reproducible pages. This curriculum is practical and relevant for students and timesaving for teachers. Study Tools offers helpful strategies for students covering topics such as organization, note taking skills, test taking skills, time management, memory, listening, writing, and using SQ3R.
The binder offers a complete study skills curriculum including:
- Lesson plans with objectives, materials and activities
- Teaching strategies
- Teacher notes and tips
- Student worksheets
- Quizzes and tests
- Answer Key
- And much more!
How do I order Study Tools?
- To order on-line, click the link below. Study Tools is just $89.95.
To order by phone, please call 803.782.1781. Please have your PO number available. Credit Cards are not accepted over the phone.
To order by fax, complete this form, and fax it to 803.787.8508. Include the PO number if applicable.
To order by mail, complete this form, and mail it with payment to Twins Publications, PO Box 6364, Columbia, SC 29260-6364.
- To order by email, complete this form, and email it to
Twins Publications offers specialized co-teaching training, follow-up training and observation to schools and districts throughout the country. For more information on scheduling co-teaching training with Dianne and Natalie, click here.
Sample Training Agenda:
Co-Teaching: Why, What and How
Why Co-Teach?
Local and National Mandates BenefitsWhat is Co-Teaching?
How Do I Co-Teach?
Ways to Co-TeachBeliefs
Lesson Plan Development
Preparing to Co-Teach
Co-Teaching Evaluation
During the training, Dianne and Natalie model co-teaching strategies and techniques for instruction to Co-Teaching Teams and Administrators. Some topics covered are:
- Specific ideas for defining roles and responsibilities of
co-teachers and administrators - Benefits of a successful co-teaching program
- Creative ways to find time to plan
- A variety of ways to present curriculum in a co-taught classroom
- Scheduling options for a co-taught classroom
- Techniques for providing instruction in a co-taught classroom
- The co-teaching training is applicable for elementary, middle and high school teams and administrators. The training may be tailored to specific areas of need in your school or district.
Click here to contact us, or call (803) 782.1781 to receive more information about our Co-Teaching Training program.
The Following are a few Districts and Schools that have benefited from Twins Publications Co-Teaching Training:
Cabell County Schools, West Virginia
Centennial School District, Pennsylvania
Cheltenham School District, Pennsylvania
Covington Exempted Village Schools
Cuyahoga SERRC, Ohio
Eaton Community Schools, Ohio
Findlay City Schools, Ohio
Kanawha County School, West Virginia
Maryville High School, Tennessee
Northwest Ohio SERRC, Ohio
Penta Career Center, Ohio
Sylvania Schools, Ohio
Upper Valley Career Center, Ohio
Waukegan Public Schools #60, Illinois