Dianne Basso
and Natalie McCoy
Dianne Basso and Natalie McCoy are educators and nationally acclaimed presenters. They are the co-authors of The Co-Teaching Manual and Study Tools - A Comprehensive Study Skills Curriculum. While co-teaching is not a new concept, many districts are now finding it to be an effective service delivery model for increasing the achievement of students with special needs while also meeting the needs of diverse learners in the general education classroom. Co-teaching further supports the requirements of "highly qualified" teachers under the NCLB 2001 and IDEA Acts.
Dianne and Natalie use their combined experiences as classroom teachers and co-teachers to conduct co-teaching training. Using their extensive knowledge base, Dianne and Natalie have provided training, classroom observation, consultation and follow-up sessions with co-teachers and administrators in elementary, middle and high schools throughout the country. They model co-teaching during their training sessions, enabling teachers to "see" co-teaching in action. They are known for being "real" teachers who share "real" co-teaching experiences.
Co-Teaching Training
Twins Publications offers specialized co-teaching training to schools and districts throughout the country. For more information on scheduling co-teaching training with Dianne and Natalie, click here.